I was fifteen and had grown into a tall and beautiful young lady. Being my parents ‘little’ girl, I was not allowed to be at the boarding house so I commuted from home to school daily. 

I began receiving numerous proposals from boys both at home and at school. The feeling was overwhelming, yet, I was too afraid of accepting any of them.

My education was priority. My dream was to become a pediatrician and I didn't want any distractions. Besides, my parents would have literally had my head on the chopping block, if they found out I had a boyfriend.

To be honest, I felt left out. All my friends in school had partners and sometimes I wished I did too. But that wish became a reality sooner than expected.

When I gained admission into the University, I was beside myself with joy. It was the first time I was leaving home and I felt as free as a bird that had just been released from its cage or like a fire gone wild.

 At that moment, I understood how Paul and Silas felt when their shackles were miraculously removed. I on the other hand, was freed from the ‘shackles’ of my parents. I breathe in an air so fresh that I felt exhaling it would bring an end to everything.  

One thing I have realized in life is that if you are looking for something maybe love, happiness or even money and you don’t find it at home, you go into the world like a hungry lion ready to feed on its prey.

My journey to becoming a pediatrician had begun. The friends I made on campus were more than the hairs on my head but I was closest to Rudy and Kath. They were my roommates and best friends and we did everything in common. We studied, ate, and even partied together.
Friday nights were our partying and clubbing nights. Yes you just read it ;Partying and clubbing

 Well as it is often said, ‘there is always a first time to everything’.
The very first time I went to the club, it felt like a movie.  Ruddy, who was the ‘party girl’, and was popularly called "Rude Girl" had convincingly invited Kath and I to in her own words “let our hair down” and so we did. It was a club close to our campus but we rode in her car.

The club was filled to capacity with mostly students from the university. While some lovers were busy smooching, others sat, probably whispering sweet nonsense in each other's ears   .It was extremely overwhelming. I'm  sure I even spotted some hermaphrodites.

Just when my mind was beginning to process the whole new experience, I was approached by Nick Williams, a third year student from my school and the host of the drive time show on the campus radio. 
Nick was a very good looking guy and after a brief introduction, He bought me drinks, but due to the level of noise we only had a short conversation. We however exchanged numbers and he promised to keep in touch.

Nick fulfilled his promise and gave me a call the next day.
 My friends told me how lucky I was because he was the “ladies’ man” and the dream of every girl on campus was to date him. I didn't know what their fuss was about. After all, it was just a call. 

Well that one phone call led to many more calls and after an exciting first experience at the club, I became a regular especially on Fridays. Nick was also a DJ at the club, so my friends and I were treated like royalties.

We went on numerous dates after my first encounter with Nick and we subsequently became a couple.
True to my friends’ words, I became the envy of most girls on campus. 

Nick was extremely good looking, kind, and caring and I loved him deeply. But there was a problem.
Even though I was a novice in the ‘dating industry’, I was a strong advocate of “no sex before marriage”. 

It was something my friends would hear none of ,not even Nick. To them, I was the 21st century girl acting like the 19th century woman. According to Kath, sex is what spices up a relationship and no guy would want to pay for what he has not seen.

I wondered, what kind of spice sex would add to my relationship with Nick.  Besides, my body wasn't a culinary tool to be used by any chef. If there was any spice it could add to my life, it would be pepper which would make my life sour.

My stance was causing friction between Nick and I, and I was on the verge of losing him. We began seeing each other less and this was killing me. I mean,to me sex was overrated and I couldn't just give up my body to someone I had just met, no matter how much I loved him.

 But something happened that changed my life forever

TO BE CONTINUED...........


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

1 comment:

  1. its a nice piece and am loving every bit of it. Keep up the good works and hope to read the next part soon
