Dear Future husband,

I keep seeing you, and wish to meet you soon.
I really want to see your face cos the face I see keeps my mind at sea cos that face is so blur I can hardly see.
I just thought I write this letter to you
And though we haven’t met yet, I still see my life with you and only you.
I hope you do too

The words in this letter have been on my heart for a more than a decade
Writing this letter, makes me feel naked
I don’t even know where to begin
My heart is racing right now because thinking of you just makes me grin
But this I do know
When we finally meet, it will be friendship and love
I don’t believe in love at first sight
But I do believe our love will grow beyond sight
I may play hard to get
Well that’s because I’m supposed to, but don’t see it as a threat
My dark eyes will brighten with the words “I LOVE YOU”
Anyway that’s a clue, so take a cue

To be honest
I don’t know what love is or how it feels
I've been hurt, wounded, and broken  
But I hope with you I’ll learn what true love really is
That’s my appeal
I don’t want you to think I am asking for too much
But I hope you have lots of patience because with me you’ll need it bunch
I know I do have my moments but it’s just what it is, A MOMENT

I may be careless with my stuff, cloths, shoes
But with you, I will never ever care less
I may not be tall in height, but I hope I can climb your shoulder to reach higher heights
Don’t be intimidated when I climb the academic ladder
I’ll remain your neck and you, the header
I am an independent woman no doubt
I've always been
Please don’t hate me or feel emasculated when we go out for dinner and I try paying the bill
Or when we board a taxi and I pay the fare
This is not about feminism, it’s not about pride or what is fair
This is about me
You see, I've practically done things on my own, provided for myself without the help of any being
But with you, I’ll learn to accord your rightful place
And don’t be afraid to ask for help when in a tight space
I know I’ll believe in your dreams, but please let them be realistic
I want to live my life in a real world and not a fantasy that’ll just wipe off like lipstick.

I've kept my pride just for you for more than two decades
I know it’ll be difficult but please do not make me give it up
You must be thinking it’ll be hard
Yes it will be hard
When it turns blue in your front yard
I assure you when the right time comes, it will be ferocious
And with God as our teacher
It will be divinely gracious
Don’t get me wrong
 I’m not a robot, definitely sure I’m not frigid
And oh, don’t believe me when I tell you I’m genophobic
I just want us to have a solid foundation
Built on the word in 1st Corinthians 6:18
Please check out the quotation

I want to trust you with my life
You know what that means right?
So please do not ever lie to me, your wife
Be honest when my dress doesn’t fit
When my makeup doesn’t look good one bit
And when my hair is unkempt and not so neat
Be honest

My future husband
Husband, a word which relates to marriage
Marriage, a word so sweet yet ironically sends shiver down my spine
This fear is real it doesn’t just exist in my mind
I am a product of a marriage that was non- existent
Guess it ended even before it started
I just can’t fathom waking up each morning to the same face for the rest of my life
So I pray you make it worth my time
That our love like wine will grow sweeter and stronger with time

I’m not perfect, You aren’t too
Let us in our imperfections remain true
Yes we will argue
Yes we will fight
But together, let’s make things right
Because we owe it to ourselves and our kids
How beautiful it will be to see mummy and daddy watching a match between Barcelona and Madrid
I want us to be the best of parents
To teach our boy child that it’s Ok to cook
To teach our girl child it’s Ok to play ball

One more thing
Let’s make God the pivot of our institution
Don’t make me beg you to accompany me to a convention or church on Sunday
Because with God each day of our lives will be a sun-day
Finally my future husband,
I want to share not only in your joy but also your pain
So please don’t be afraid to show me your tears
Cos together, we will sail through our tearful river
This is not a wish, it’s a promise
And until I meet you, I’ll wait to fulfill it.
                                                                     Your future Wife


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  1. Its mind blowing, keep it up

  2. Thanks Milli, I appreciate

  3. Mmmm future wife ...turn around ...u know he's there!!!
