There is always a longing for something. That thing could be physical or emotional or as insatiable as humans are, could be both. But truly, there is a longing for a sense of belonging. Even when that thing has been got, or is achieved, there is always a pressing urge for more.The rich never gets satisfied, even with all the money in the world. The lover wishes to explore other options.No matter what, the MORE factor sets in and that quest to get MORE, MORE money, MORE acceptance, MORE good grades, MORE accomplishments, and maybe sometimes more love or rather lust, man can and will do anything, including destroying the sanctity of his body through SEX. No doubt, Sex was created by the Almighty  however, this three letter word has become the test many fail to pass or rather a test which people pass into short lived achievements. It is such a powerful word that it is even used to get MORE people to patronize products, movies etc.Sex related issues are difficult do discuss in public especially in our society. Anyone who speaks bluntly about it is sometimes tagged as promiscuous. Even some parents find it difficult talking about it with their children forgetting that what they knew at 40, we know at 20 and even younger. My story begins here.
I come from a family where everything was available. My parents were civil servants at the time and only few people had the privilege of working in the civil service. I am the last and only female of three children but being the only female, I was not unnecessarily pampered. I did mention that everything was available.well not everything. Even though my parents ensured we had all the material things we needed, it was not enough. As a young girl of twelve in Junior High School, I was not exposed to matters of sex at home. It was like a silent taboo.A situation where whoever mentioned the word or anything related to it would be banished.My parents were strict disciplinarians. Even when a movie scene depicted actors kissing or engaging in foreplay,we were asked to go to our rooms.It could have been with the best of intentions, but honestly, it kept us at least me in the dark. I was one of the best students in my school, but when it came to sex education, I was the worse. It wasn't until two of my friends in school were talking about something called Menstruation that I heard the word for the first time. I didn't know such a word and 'period' existed because I had not seen my first blood and I was not informed about it, not even by my mother.
After that embarrassing moment, I became determined. I decided to embark on a self-teaching journey and trust me, I did seek knowledge in the most profound ways.  I began to read and watch.I was born at an era when the internet had already fully emerged so I read from the computer my dad bought for my brothers and I, anything relating to sex..I did so when no one was at home anyway,my parents were also BBC(Born Before Computer) and had little interest in monitoring our use of the computer.I guess it never occurred to my brothers to check the history section.Aside reading from the internet, I read books, however, the books did not contain as much information as the internet.So determined I was to be abreast of issues relating to sex that reading alone was not enough.I began to watch videos.mostly pornographic.It was then I realized why actresses could  kiss their male counterparts in movies and not end up getting pregnant.(I thought just kissing a lady could make her pregnant).That was the extent of my ignorance but I was beginning to know better.
Even at school, when the topic 'Reproduction' was being taught by the science teacher, the frequent use of euphemisms, clearly showed her conservativeness towards the topic. It was as though the words Penis and Vagina, had caused a lump to grow in her throat, making it difficult for them to be mentioned. I could not blame her much.Maybe her mother did not also teach her to be about explicit about sex. Just maybe.
I on the other had soon became a sexpertise, well in theory though.I knew more than I needed to. I knew about the doggy, missionary and the numerous positions. Meanwhile, my parents still believed I was their good and innocent little girl. Well, good I was. I was obedient,respectful and did all I was asked to. I was also innocent. Maybe you might be thinking otherwise.Well I was, afterall, I hadn't 'practiced' what I had been exposed to at least,not until some time later.To them, I was still their 'little' girl. Maybe that accounted for why I wasn't privy to sex education.Or maybe there were too busy to notice my protruding chest and pimples growing on my face.I was turning thirteen, a teen. Whatever the reasons might have been,it was a little too late.

for why I wasn't privy to sex education.But I was a turning tjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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